Deep Reset Retreat
Deep Reset Retreat

Deep Reset Retreat

An Embodied Men’s Immersion — Exploring Integrated Masculinity in Our Modern World

⚡  TL;DR

🙋‍♂️ Hosts: Alex Olshonsky & Jonny Miller

📆 Dates: March 7-10, 2024 (Thursday afternoon — Sunday morning)

🍁 Location: Nevada City, California

💰 Cost: Three pricing tiers: $1250 (at cost), $1875 (basic tier) – $2500 (supporter tier). Seats are invite-only & limited to 12 men.

⚔️ A Primer on Embodied Men’s Work

There is an unquestionable, and dire, absence of mature masculinity in our world. Unfortunately, not enough men have been taught how to cultivate their emotional literacy, hone their capacity for presence, and how to lead from a place of embodied integrity.

This retreat will provide a nourishing container for you to explore all of this. It will be an opportunity for you to recalibrate your nervous system, tap into the intelligence of your body, discover what integrated masculinity means to you, and deepen your brotherhood with a powerful group of like-minded-and-spirited men.

Each day will consist of group explorations designed to create the conditions for insights and breakthroughs. These sessions will include:

  1. Embodied Exploration — Alex & Jonny will facilitate a unique combination of group work, self-inquiry, and several potent guided breathwork journeys.
  2. Compassionate Confrontation — We will open space for direct and loving feedback so that our own blind spots are brought into the light from the shadows to be examined and integrated.
  3. Collective Dialogos — Together, we will practice dropping the masks we wear in our day-to-day lives. We’ll share vulnerably, unearthing what is truly alive within us. And by doing so, we will allow for an emergent and reciprocal intelligence to be born within our group. It is from this place of shared insight that we will become wiser men and leaders by the time we leave.

🔥  What to Expect

🫁  Transformational Breathwork Journeys — there are few more potent modalities than collective breathwork journeys for unearthing unconconscious material and creating the conditions for personal breakthroughs.

🧙‍♂️ Embodied Archetypal Explorationsworking with the four primary Junginan artchetypes of mature masculininty and their respective shadows, we will explore the disowned aspects of our psyche, such that they may be re-integrated into our being.

🥶  Finding Your Edge — through the ancient initiatory practices of heat and cold exposure, we’ll be harnessing the sauna and cold plunges to find out where our psychological limits lie, and go just a little beyond them.

🌱  Nourishment & Attunement — morning yoga and meditation, incredibly healthy food, laughter, and a pristine setting in the Sierra Foothills.

“After my first guided breathwork journey with Jonny, I realise that I'm only just scratching the surface of what's possible with the breath and it's truly astounding. Highly, highly recommended.”

— Jonathan Carson, Entrepreneur & Writer


🌳  The Venue

We've secured an absolute gem of a venue called Eudaimonia – located on the ancestral homelands of the Nisenan Tribe, above the Yuba River on the edge of the Tahoe National Forest in the Sierra Mountains.

The three nights will be fully catered with delicious organic meals, set in this stunning location to provide an nourishing backdrop for personal reflection and recalibration.


🏡  Venue Amenities

🛁 Strawbale Bathhouse // Indoor bathhouse features deep soaking tubs, rain showers, bidet toilets and deluxe vanities

🔥 Sauna + Spa // Scandanavian style cedar sauna and UV- + colloidal silver-filtered hot tub ~ soak under the stars and amongst the trees in outdoor clawfoot tubs

🌳  Nature Trails + Gardens // Stroll through the woods, visit the creek and enjoy regenerative permaculture gardens.

🥗  Healthy organic meals // We have secured a taleneted outside caterer who will be providing gourmet, delicious, and farm-to-table organic meals (let us know of any dietary restrictions).


🔥  Sample Daily Flow

  • 7am – Yoga + breathwork practice
  • 8am – Light breakfast + intentions for the day
  • 10am – Embodied Archetype Workshop: solo reflections, group explorations + guided breathwork journey
  • 1pm — Lunch + free time to rest or connect
  • 2.30pm — Sauna + ice bath rounds
  • 3pm — Embodied Men’s Work Exercises — solo + group explorations
  • 6pm – Dinner
  • 7.30pmReflecting forwards and star-gazing

🙋‍♂️  About Your Hosts

If you’re reading this then you likely know who we are and are familiar with our work already – but here’s a bit more info just in case.

Jonny Miller

Is a nervous system specialist, host of the Curious Humans Podcast, trained breathwork practitioner and men’s work facilitator. He currently leads Nervous System Mastery — a bootcamp for living with greater regulation and emotional literacy.

Alex Olshonsky

Is the co-founder of Natura Care, a novel addiction program harnessing psychedelics. He is a trained practitioner of somatic psychotherapy, coaches leaders, and leads a men’s group called Sons of Now. Alex is also the creator of Deep Fix, a community dedicated to dharmic living.

Working with Alex opened a door to a whole new world. He helped me understand the many different identities inside my body and then helped transform my relationship with them. I felt 10x lighter after each session...and the impact lasts.”

—Alexandre Dana, Co-founder & CEO of LiveMentor + Published author

🌅  Three Guiding Principles


Replace judgements with a sincere interest to inquire into the nature of what is. This is the key to unlocking emotional intelligence, open-hearted humility, and wholeness as men.


An awakened masculine presence is a fundamentally embodied. We practice attuning to the immeasurable intenlligence within the body, a place from which our authentic Self can dictate the terms of our beliefs, behaviors, and actions.


The modern man benefits from being a practicing integralist, meaning that we include what is good and beautiful from multiple modalities and perspectives and then transcend them all to create something bigger and better.

🙏  We’d Love to Have You Join Us!

Let us know if you have any questions not covered here, but otherwise we’d love to see you there in July. Use the button below to send us your deposit, or if it’s easier, feel free to Venmo Alex or Jonny.
This retreat is designed to function as a full nervous system reset — combining powerful breathwork modalities, ice-baths, sauna and walks in a pristine natural setting.